Wednesday, October 27, 2010

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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Basics of Domino Game

In case you know something about domino games, you should know that there are many domino games, going by different names, yet having extremely similar, and sometimes even identical rules. There are also games which have same names, but rules vary from country to country.
In Domino, you can follow rules during the game, or create your own variation. The main thing is that all players agree before beginning the game. It is also important to know that rules are functional.
Basic rules apply to most domino game, but not all of them. Basic rules pertaining to more than one player, would not apply to solitaire games.
In many games there is a line of tiles formed on the table when players play. They are matching pips on the open end. This formation is called the line of play.
(to be continued)

The Basics of Domino Game

Bowling history and techniques(5)

Mentioning the starting position, it can reflect individual preference and it must be comfortable. Determine where to stand in relation-this is the first step to do! Stand in relation to the foul line, distance from the right side of the approach. Stand with your back to the alley bed at the foul line, pacing off four and one-half normal walking steps toward the beginning of the approach. You roll the ball in front of the foul line, so half step will allow for the slide on the fourth step.

Stance of the ball:Establish a point of origin and then place the left foot slightly forward of the right one. Feet should be parallel, weight must be shifted to left foot. It is needed to assure the bowler steps with right food.
Remember then to flex your knees, this is important to maintain good body balance.
The ball should be supported in the left hand.
When you are ready to walk, not run to the foul line. It is important to bowling player to start slowly. Coordination must constantly be practiced by players, to assure the consistency and accurancy in play.

Bowling history and techniques (4).

Another grip can be called the fingertip. Particularity of this grip is that it has the largest span and is used by highly skilled bowlers. With this grip it is possible to achieve additional hook capabilities and pin action. Fingers are inserted into the first joint.
Other grip to mention is the semi-fingertip having a span between the conventional and fingertip grips. This grip is used by bowling players to increase lift capabilities, as the ball is released. This grip can combine the advantages of conventional and fingertip grips. This grip is rather uncomfortable and not recommended. Fingers are inserted to midway between the first and second joints.
You should learn to get used to proper way, when retrieving a ball from the return rack. It is important for simplifying the safety measures to avoid smashed fingers. In the moment of picking up a ball, face the pins and place both hands on either side of the ball. Lift the ball with both hands. If you do that, you will avoid the fatigue when you bowl consecutively.
Concerning the approach and delivery of the ball, keep both hands under the ball, and both elbows in close to the body. Practice the pendulum swing, keeping the thumb at twelve o'clock position. (to be continued)

Monday, April 19, 2010

Bowling:History and techniques(Part 3)

In case, the friction is minimal, the ball fits the thumb properly. The fingers should fit in a similar manner as the thumb. Most bowling centers carry conventional balls, recommended for beginners.
The most common grip used in bowling is the conventional grip. In this case the fingers are inserted to the second joint. Most house-balls use this grip. This is the most popular grip. This grip is easier to control and the most accurate for a straight ball. Ninety percent of the bowling players use this grip, but when throwing the ball, the action is minimal.
(to be continued)

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Bowling history and techniques 2.

When your houseball fits, remember the serial number to find it again. These balls usually have the weight of the ball stamped near the serial number.
If you need to doublecheck the proper fit of the ball, lift the ball off the rack and let it hang by your side. In case the finger span is appropriate(distance between the thumb and finger holes), you are able to insert a pencil under the thumb and fingers of the hand, holding the ball. You should also note, that the span for the ring finger should always be one-eighth of the inch, longer than the span for the middle finger.
Another consideration checking is the proper fit of the size of thumb and finger holes. When friction is minimal, the ball fits the thumb properly. You are able to check it by inserting your thumb into the hole and rotate it clockwise and counter clockwise.
(to be continued)

Bowling history and techniques 2.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Bowling history and techniques

Bowling can be considered one of the world's oldest sports. There is evidence that bowling exists for thousands of years, the beginnings go back to about 5200B.C. to Egypt.
Today only in United States, this sport is practiced by nearly eighty-two million people. As bowling has developed, several national organizations have been developed around. Some of them are the American Bowling Congress, Women's International Bowling Congress, the American Junior Bowling Congress, the National Bowling Congress.
This game seems quite simple, but you can notice different techniques and styles. This sport is divided into four segments:the approach, the lane, the pin deck, the pit area. The lane measures approximately seventy-eight feet from the front edge of the approach to the back of the pin deck.
Concerning equipment, two basic equipments are necessary to practice:properly fitted bowling ball and proper bowling shoes.
The proper pair of bowling shoes are in need, because they are allowed the bowling player to start and stop properly. All bowling establishments have rental shoes.
Right-handed bowlers have shoes with a soft leather sole and a rubber heel on the left shoe(for sliding). There is a rubber sole and heel with a leather tip on the right shoe(for starting). On a left-handed bowler's shoes, this is the opposite.
Coming to ball weight, there is a choice between a dozens of balls. They weight from ten to sixteen pounds. Women players prefer twelve to fourteen pound balls, men play with fourteen-sixteen pound balls. The majority of balls have three holes, some balls have two finger holes. Some holes are small, others are large. Some holes are close together, whilst other holes are far apart.
All of these will affect your grip. You should play with a ball, that you can throw(deliver)without effort! The general rule is, the heavier is better.
(to be continued)
Source:BYU Independant Study-Free Online Courses